01 January 2005

Family History

It is going to take a considerable time to organise this part of the site because I have a total of over 8,900 names in my Family Tree. I shall organise them by Name using links to .pdf files, with either Brief, Detailed or Full content.

The Brief page will consist of Names, Dates of Birth, Marriage and Death.

The Detailed page will include my notes including Census extracts and may have photographs embedded.

The Full page will include all References as In-line notes.

For interest I have produced my Ancestors file. This runs to 26 Generations on the HOUGHAM family but I cannot verify any of that although the HOUGHAM family has been very well researched. To view this please click here (270Kb).

Family Names

ALLEN - Brief (389Kb).

HILLS - Brief (428Kb).

TURNER - Brief (295Kb).

WAMPACH - Brief (92Kb) - Full (134Kb).

WARD - Brief (136Kb)