13 October 2006

Holiday - Day 8 - Home

Friday the 13th loomed large and very foggy and we heard of a number of accidents that had happened on the road just outside the hotel. Nevertheless, we had to get going so, after breakfast, off we set to Waddington, to have a look at 21, Canberra Square. This proved an impossible task because the barriers at Waddington now extend to the two roads leading to the married quarters area and, as I did not have a pass, I was refused permission to have a look at the first real home we had together.
The journey south westwards was actually not too difficult. The fog gradually eased as we travelled westward and the traffic at the time was reasonably light, even for the M6 and M42. We stopped once for a break and then, using good old Tom Tom, I found my way to Stan Newport’s house near Cheltenham. Stan is a 3rd cousin, once removed, with whom I have been swapping family history information for some time (receiving more than giving) but we had never met so it was good to be able to meet face to face even though it was just an hour. We only stayed long enough to have a cup of tea before we had to be off again on the final 200 miles. This we achieved with no further trouble except that coming into Cornwall the sun was so low that driving was awkward to say the least.
Over the whole holiday, I would say that both the car and Tom Tom were a great success with the car averaging just over 40 mpg and we found everywhere we were looking for.
As an end note to this post, I have included a photograph of the hotels to the Newquay side of us on Henver Road, because we believe that in the near future, the Fort Wayne, Kellsboro and Cumberland will all be knocked down to make way for Flats. In the longer term, I can imagine that the Barrowcliff and the Ivydale will go the same way.

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