13 August 2008

Visitors - Nick, Karen & Family

As will be noted from my last post, Nick, Karen & family arrived before Andrew, Amy & Molly left. Nick, Karen and Curtis had stayed Friday night with Annette & Clive, whilst Charlotte and Connor stayed with us.
On Saturday, Andrew, Amy & Molly departed and Joe stayed on for another week with his cousins. The weather remained variable but they managed an afternoon out on the beach with some friends of theirs and went to Crealy with Annette on Sunday.
One day, the weather looked good so we set off for Newquay to have a picnic on the beach but didn't get as far as Quintrell Downs before we were caught up in a traffic jam which looked to go on forever. Plan B came into operation and we turned around and came home and had the picnic in the field. We put up the paddling pool and slide and the children got wet. In the end, the sun went and the rain came but at least we had some fun in the meantime.
On the next Friday we all went to Flambards at Helston where the weather stayed fine for us all day and the children and Nick went on lots of rides. The highlight was Maria holding a tarantula, albeit, somewhat reluctantly. What a time for me to have forgotten the camera!
Maria and I left about 3.30 and came home so that I had time to cut some of the grass. As I write this, that was nearly a week ago and I still haven't managed to cut the fields as they are still too wet.
One of the jobs that I have been promising to do was to dig out the old garden gate, which was buried vertically by the side of the garden wall. When Nick asked if there was anything he could do to help one day, he probably didn't think he would spend a couple of hours digging. Anyway, he did a great job and the gate is now awaiting disposal, when I can figure out how to get it to the scrap metal tip. Hopefully, the photo gives some idea of the size of the gate - thanks again Nick.

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