03 January 2007

Jane Eyre & Thornton

Having seen many adaptations of Jane Eyre on the television, I finally got around to reading the book, which I found absorbing, even if I always did know the outcome. I have to admit that I needed to spend some time peering into my dictionary to check up on some words, particularly some of the Archaic ones. I also realised that my schoolboy French from some 50 years ago could not totally cope with some of the French used in the book - never mind, I really enjoyed the read and some of the descriptive passage were absolutely marvellous.

There is obviously a connection between Charlotte Bronte and Thornton, in as much as she was born there on Market Street (There is a photo of the commemorative plaque in October’s archive on Holiday - Day 6). The reason for the double heading on this Post is that I have also just acquired and read “Thornton Road” by Michael Smith of the Thornton Antiquarian Society. There is an enormous amount of information in this booklet and I need to read through certain parts again to identify places on a road, which I fondly thought that I knew quite well - oh how wrong can one be! if I look really closely, I can just see the top of “Oakroyd” on the photograph of Priestly Street.

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